Will Ryan I love the Olive Garden and it’s not ironic. I will talk to you about this any day literally.

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I missed these. Good to have you back behind the keys. I always admired your takes and I always relate to them, being a swaggy big boy with lots of hobbies that aren’t traditionally masculine. My motto for 2024 is “gimme a break”. That’s what I think of when I hear someone say anything is “the best”. Fuck em. And I hope you keep these coming. I’ll be in the city this weekend. Looking for a lot of “second best” pizza places lol

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I agree with you on writing up “recs” and feel shocked and confused every time readers ask me to do more round up and recommendation posts… aren’t there too many already? But fwiw, to contradict myself, I 100% would read and enjoy *your* recs.

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Put words perfectly to what has been feeling so broken and weird about our corner of the zeitgeist/age bracket/neighborhood

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